Thursday, April 15, 2010

Confessions of a Fat Lady

Yep.  I think it's official that I am a fat lady.  Time for me to get serious and be consistent in losing weight....dieting isn't my favorite thing since I love cheating with the foods that are "bad" for me.  Exercising isn't my favorite thing either, but once I start I do enjoy the rush of energy and optimistic outlook I have on life afterwards.  Hubby is going to be my accountability partner,so I guess that means I can't lie or hide food wrappers in the trashcan anymore, right?  Sad isn't it?  I didn't really think I had an issue with eating, but looks like from this confession post, I do.  Pray for me and encourage me, ok?  Oh, and don't let me get away with anything because I will try!!  You've been warned.  :)  By the way, I already blew it today.....I guess one can of diet coke doesn't cancel out the bag of powdered donuts I just finished, huh?   AAARRRRGGGHHHH!


Christi said...

You are not fat.

The end.

By the way, I can't use my husband as an accountability partner because it makes me irritated with him when I mess up. Maybe I am warped though.

I do need to get serious about eating healthier though but these past couple of months have been really rough. And I am an emotional eater.

His_Beloved said...

I can understand that so well. Keeping you guys in prayer.